Thursday, April 13, 2017

Reasons, why every business should consider Bulk SMS marketing Service

Every brand now days are focusing very much into targeting new customer and maintaining the existing one in the same time. What makes all such things possible is a correct way of marketing that connects brand and audience in a well organized and simple way. In the market where every day something new are introducing rapidly, only few techniques have capability to drive best results for your organization. Bulk SMS marketing has become an essential medium for two way communication between brand-audience and also for promotional and awareness activities. Reason for the preference of Bulk SMS marketing is, it directly connect you with your targeted audience and delivers your words in seconds.
We tried to discuss about the uses of Bulk SMS marketing and why including Bulk SMS campaign into the communication mix of your organization can energized sales via engaging customers.
Bulk SMS marketing is a direct & immediate marketing channel
As per the research from different experts Bulk SMS has been considered as the most immediate marketing channel available across the globe, it has 97% of read rate and that too within 15 minutes after delivery. It is assured that Bulk SMS will be read instantly. Almost 45% of Bulk SMS campaign generates ROI successful which is defiantly more than any other popular marketing channels for example: social media & email etc.
Use Short-codes
Through Short-codes you can simply start a two way communication or you can easily generate leads which can simply use to send any further messages.
Bulk SMS campaign can easily support other channels
You can easily promote your websites, Facebook page or you can ask your audience to follow your brand on twitter, Instagram, Pinterest by just mentioning the desired link in the Bulk SMS marketing content. Bulk SMS campaign supports & enhances other mediums of marketing as well such as emails & social media etc. For example: Send a reminder text to customers saying that you send an e-mail to them containing information about your brand few hours before or asking through SMS “have you read mail” this can easily increase open rates of e-mail by 25%-30%
Learn about your customers through Bulk SMS campaign
Bulk SMS campaign is a best way to get the appropriate feedback from your existing customers, as per researches, on an average 31% customers respond to surveys through Bulk SMS marketing. This will help you to improve your services.
Increase customer engagement via Bulk SMS campaign
Bulk SMS campaign is a perfect way to enhance engagement between brand and customers. Send updates & news of upcoming development of your brand this will make your customer updated about your new launches which will directly affect your sales. Additionally brands can also use Bulk SMS marketing for immediate sales-related offers like discount, offer vouchers, promotions etc.

Bulk SMS marketing is an easiest way to communicate with audience, promote offers, services etc to the targeted audience. Bulk SMS campaign publicize in seconds and passes information in less time.